Events List Navigation
April 2019
Biblical Training Institute for Michigan Catholics 2019: Old Testament
Develop a deep understanding and love for sacred scripture.
May 2019
Teologia catolica del sacramento del Bautismo y curso practico para las platicas del Bautismo
Comprender la teología del bautismo
Adult Confirmation Preparation: Receiving the Gift of the Holy Spirit
Come to understand how the Holy Spirit works in your life.
Adult Confirmation Preparation: Receiving the Gift of the Holy Spirit
Come to understand how the Holy Spirit works in your life.
June 2019
2019 Biblical Training Institute for Michigan Catholics: Old Testament
Develop a deeper understanding of the Old Testament.
Dispelling Estate Planning Myths and Discussing Estate Plan Tools
Nicholas will explain estate and Medicaid planning.
Cathedral of St. Andrew Parish Festival
Join us for the annual Parish Festival at Cathedral of St. Andrew.
The Silver Age: What is God Calling Me to Now?
Discussion on life and discipleship after “work” in your silver years.