Holy Brew for Adults in their 20s and 30s: What’s Brewing in Your Life? The Holy Spirit, Giver of Life (Feb.)
7 Monks Taproom 740 Michigan Street NE, Grand Rapids, MIDiscussion Topic: The Holy Spirit, Giver of Life
Discussion Topic: The Holy Spirit, Giver of Life
Join Fr. Bill as he recounts his Maryknoll Pilgrimage in Central America.
En esta clase apreciaremos las redes y contrastes entre las culturas.
Come to understand how the Holy Spirit works in your life.
Learn more about the Catholic faith and way of life.
Fr. Bill will lead a discussion on courage, vocation and free will.
What does our Catholic faith teach us about friendship?
Learn about the fascinating life of Archbishop John Hughes.
Reflections on the life of Saint Oscar Romero.
Reflexiona sobre la vida de San Oscar Romero
Put your green on and join in the fun!
Define your purpose and move forward toward a fulfilling life.